Sheela Hegde


Sheela Hegde

Managing Partner & Global Head, Health Advances

Connect with me

Sheela is a leader in Health Advances’ biopharma practice, helping companies maximize the value of their assets and build winning market positions.

Experienced in multiple therapeutic areas, she has particular expertise in metabolic and autoimmune diseases. Sheela brings a cross-sector lens to her biopharma clients, providing strategic advice on integrated solutions and convergent products.

Work Experience

Sheela joined Health Advances in 2005 with a background in corporate strategy and health care provider operations. Prior to Health Advances, Sheela worked at The Advisory Board where she managed client relationships and led research teams in areas related to hospital care delivery and new payment models. She also worked at Novartis Pharmaceuticals in the Cardiovascular Business Franchise.


Sheela earned a BA in human biology with university distinction and Phi Beta Kappa from Sanford University, and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.