Sheelah Smith, PhD


Sheelah Smith, PhD

Vice President, Medical Communications

Sheelah Smith is a Vice President for Medical Communications, providing leadership oversight and strategic direction, operational and functional leadership, and financial management of the Account Management and Scientific Services department (>100 staff).

Work Experience
Sheelah has been with Parexel for more than 26 years. Her extensive experience spans strategic communication and publication programs, business and financial operations, strategic business growth, and operational excellence and team leadership. She has expertise in a broad range of therapeutic areas, including portal hypertension research (noninvasive assessment of portosystemic shunting in animal models and the clinical setting) and dysautonomia research (equine grass sickness), as well as bipolar disorder, epilepsy, and cardiovascular (oral direct thrombin inhibitor) communication and strategic publication programs within medical affairs.

Sheelah holds a PhD in Medical Science from the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, and a BSc (joint honors) in Biochemistry and Pharmacology from Strathclyde University in Glasgow, UK. She is decentralized in Scotland, UK.