このパレクセルの報告書は、患者さん、一般市民、医師に臨床試験の多様性に関する見解を求めた世界規模の定量的調査、フォーカス グループ セッション、インタビュー、患者諮問委員会の会議の概要をまとめたものです。本調査は研究参加に対する重大な障壁を理解し、それを克服するためのガイダンスを得ることを目的に、共同作業で行われました。この報告書を作成するためには、以下の方法が活用されています。
- Dr. Chika Anekwe
Obesity Medicine Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital; Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA - Minnie Baylor-Henry
President, B-Henry & Associates, Boston, MA, USA - Dr. Sherri-Ann M. Burnett-Bowie
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Director, Multicultural Affairs, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA - Dr. Jacques Carter
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, USA - Wanda McClain
Former Vice-President, Community Health and Health Equity, Brigham Health, Boston, MA, USA - Dr. Shelly McDonald-Pinkett
Chief Medical Officer, Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA - Dr. Oludamilola Olajide
Hematologist/Oncologist, University of North Carolina REX Healthcare, Chapel Hill, NC, USA - Dr. John Otasowie
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Fraser Health Authority Surrey Memorial Hospital, BC, Canada - Dr. Kaya Oyejide
Family Medicine Physician, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA - Dr. Fabian Sandoval
CEO, Emerson Clinical Research Institute, Falls Church, VA, USA - Dr. Valerie Stone
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Vice-Chair for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA - Dr. Winfred Williams
Associate Chief, Division of Nephrology & Transplant; Founding Director for Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA - Dr. Kathleen Young
Psychiatrist, New York, NY, USA
- Trishna Bharadia
Health Advocate and Patient Engagement Champion, UK - Ivis Febus-Sampayo
Patient Advocate, Chief Officer of Diversity and Inclusion and Senior Director of Public Outreach at SHARE Cancer Support, USA - Sheila Khawaja
Rare Disease Patient Advocate and World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations Board Member, Italy - Malini Raj
Patient Advocate, Non-Executive Director of the Australian Pituitary Foundation and Board Advisor for the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations, Australia - Alfred Samuels
Keynote and Public Speaker, Patient Advocate and Author, UK - Grace Samuels
Retired NHS Nurse, Care Quality Commission Specialist Advisor, Patient Caregiver and Advocate, UK - Yasmeem Watson
Research, Patient and Consumer Advocate, USA
パレクセル チーム メンバー
- Elisa Galvez
Feasibility Leader - Kushal Gohil
Vice-President, Corporate Strategy and Innovation - Nichola Gokool
Senior Director, Medical Communications - Mwango Kashoki
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs - Andreza Martins
Project Specialist, Patient Innovation Center - Sarah Pilkington
Associate Director, Patient Innovation Center - Baljit Samra
Corporate Vice-President, Clinical Operations - Altair Silva
Director, Patient Recruitment Strategy Group
Woodcock J, Anagnostiadis E, Lolic M. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (2020). 2019 Drug Trials Snapshots Summary Report.
Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity (2019). https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/distribution-by-raceethnicity/. Accessed January 8, 2021.
Loree JM, Anand S, Dasari A, et al. Disparity of race reporting and representation in clinical trials leading to cancer drug approvals from 2008 to 2018. JAMA Oncol. 2019;5(10):e191870.
信頼できるインフォメーションソース (メディア)
私たちは患者さんと生活の場で出会う必要があります。メディカルセンターではなく、コミュニティセンターや地元の理髪店などに行く必要があるかもしれません。コミュニティ アドボケイトと呼ばれるコミュニティに根ざした信頼される人々をトレーニングすれば、驚くほど有意義な会話ができるようになるでしょう。
Yasmeem Watson
黒人、ラテン人、アジア人、先住民の回答者 [N = 237]が58%なのに対し、 白人の回答者 [N = 1,945]は69%でした。
医師によるフォーカス グループと患者諮問委員会のディスカッションでは、患者さんが同じ人種、民族、文化的背景を持つ施設スタッフに担当されることは、臨床研究の多様性を高める上で非常に重要なことですが、その実現は困難であるとの見解が示されました。
患者さんが同じような人種、民族、文化的背景を持つ施設のスタッフから治療を受けることが不可能な場合、スタッフが文化的規範の違いを理解し、それに対応することが極めて重要です。 それによって患者さん、介護者、ご家族は安心して治療を受けることができ、信頼関係を築くことができます。
Yasmeem Watson
臨床試験への参加やアンメット メディカル ニーズのある様々な疾患に対する新薬や治療法を見出す上で、臨床試験と研究への注目の高まりは、臨床試験がもたらす潜在的な利益を人々に伝える機会へとつながります。
Dr. Shelly McDonald Pinkett
Dr. Shelly McDonald-Pinkett
Ivis Febus-Sampayo
Yasmeem Watson
分散型臨床試験 (DCT)
DCTは研究参加に対する多くの障壁を克服するのに役立ちます。しかし、私たちの経験から患者さんや介護者のニーズや嗜好は、研究ごとに注意深く考慮される必要があります。問題となっている疾患とそれがもたらす日々の課題は、展開されるべき個々の在宅戦略に大きな影響を与えます。とはいえ、定量調査の結果では、DCTオプションの嗜好について回答者グループ間の差はほとんどなく、薬剤配達 (42%)、携帯アプリ (40%)、ウェアラブル (40%)が最も関心の高い選択肢でしたが、同様の割合で通院 (40%)も好まれています。
Trishna Bharadia
Dr. Fabian Sandoval
Diversity Research Participants Voices
Yasmeem Watson
Research, Patient and Consumer Advocate, USA
Malini Raj
Patient Advocate, Non-Executive Director of the Australian Pituitary Foundation and Board Advisor for the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations, Australia
Minnie Baylor-Henry
President, B-Henry & Associates, Boston, MA, USA
Dr. Valerie Stone
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Vice-Chair for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Yasmeem Watson
Yasmeem Watson is a research, patient and consumer advocate, as well as a Stage III colon cancer survivor. She is a member of Fight Colorectal Cancer’s (FCRC) Research Advocacy Training and Support (RATS) Program and has dedicated herself to impactful research advocacy initiatives, including but not limited to serving as a consumer advocate on the Department of Defense’s Peer Review Cancer Research Program, the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative (PCORI) and the American Association for Cancer Research Scientist↔Survivor Program.
There is mistrust among diverse, underserved communities pertaining to the medical sector. This report identifies some of the obstacles and factors in needed solutions. The patient’s voice is of most importance if the goal is to diversify clinical trials. There are many components of a patient’s journey, yet not feeling acknowledged may be the most heartbreaking. The feeling that your skin color or language is not a barrier to receiving adequate care is priceless.
Malini Raj
Malini Raj is a patient advocate, Non-Executive Director of the Australian Pituitary Foundation and member of the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations. Malini is a strong patient advocate for Cushing’s disease, since she is a patient herself, diagnosed in 2013 after a 20-year journey to diagnosis.
Our society is not homogenous, hence a one size fits all approach is not appropriate. This is particularly true when it comes to such important and sensitive issues as health and the design of clinical trials and research approaches in order to optimize outcomes for all stakeholders.
Society as we know it is extremely ethnically diverse and multicultural. Each of these minority groups have specific needs, views, opinions and cultural nuances which shape the way they interact, react or engage in society and how they are impacted. These unique characteristics need to be considered, acknowledged and incorporated to ensure these groups are adequately represented in clinical research. As a patient from an ethnic minority group, I commend Parexel for their efforts in acknowledging the need for more diversity in clinical trials and research, and for using a multipronged approach to thoroughly understand the critical barriers that seem to be precluding adequate diversity in trials that is reflective of society.
It is refreshing to see this report has successfully drawn out some very key issues that may be contributing to the lack of diversity in clinical trials, such as awareness. Identification of the issues is the first step to making change.
From my perspective, some highlights that resonate include:
- The need for open communication and dialogue with ethnic minorities to address the lack of trust and improve understanding of the purpose and process of the trial
- The recognition of the need for strong collaboration, using trusted sources in the community to act as a bridge and leveraging relevant communication channels and formats
- The imperative to take the time to recognize and respect cultural nuances and cultural stigmas and stereotypes centered around health, the importance of family and community, and who needs to be involved in the decision-making process
- Acknowledgement of financial and physical limitations that may not be present in the mainstream population and being open to considering other locations or centers that may allow a greater diversity of participants
- Recognition that support, education and awareness need to be focused not only on potential patients / participants but also the physicians/clinicians, and an understanding by each party as to the important role they can potentially play in positive clinical trial representation and outcomes
As a patient, I would appreciate it if any or all of the above, is always kept front of mind, as it will allow greater empathy, cultural competency and understanding among those who are designing approaches or engagement strategies for clinical trials, and a greater likelihood for patients like me to be included, to contribute and to have a voice.
This diversity in clinical trials research is a needed and important first step to shine a light on the structural issues and ensure that there is greater awareness of the need for increased ethnic diversity in clinical trial participation. However, it also goes one step further in that it provides consistent insights that highlight some of the key barriers precluding clinical trial participation that can be addressed or further explored to allow participation to be truly reflective of the community in which we live.
Minnie Baylor-Henry
Minnie Baylor-Henry, JD, is currently President of B-Henry & Associates, LLC, and executive partner of YourEncore, a leading provider of proven expertise to the life sciences and consumer goods industries. Previously, she was the worldwide Vice-President of regulatory affairs-medical devices for Johnson & Johnson. She also serves on Howard University’s Board of Trustees.
As we face the many complexities of a public health crisis brought about by a global pandemic, Black and Brown people, along with other disaffected people globally, are watching as society confronts the reality of many years of healthcare inequalities. Society is now forced to grapple with the intersection of culture, race and class and the impact this has had on our fragile healthcare infrastructure. The pandemic, layered on top of the countless incidents of social unrest, has brought to the forefront, the reality of the many inequities in our healthcare systems.
When questions arise regarding the reluctance of Black and Brown people, for example, to trust the healthcare systems and allow a vaccine to be administered, historic mistreatment is uppermost in their mind. Have Black and Brown people been denied opportunities to participate in clinical research regarding treatments for diseases that primarily impact their communities? Why are Black and Brown people being asked to put aside their mistrust and believe that this year, at this time, everyone will receive equitable treatment and consideration? Why have there been minimal efforts to understand how to reach diverse communities in order to assure a better understanding of health concerns? How does the healthcare system restore trust in these disenfranchised communities after they’ve endured years of being damaged physically and emotionally?
This report provides some global insights into the issues facing Black and Brown communities that are now at a crossroads regarding how to respond to an unprecedented public health crisis. The report touches on the impact of structural, cultural and institutional biases and the resulting challenges for healthcare providers going forward. However, more research is needed if we are going to tackle the many injustices affecting all disadvantaged people globally.
Dr. Valerie Stone
Valerie Stone, MD, MPH, is Vice-Chair for diversity, equity, and inclusion of the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Stone is an academic general internist as well as an infectious disease specialist and is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) are disproportionately affected by every major disease. This is true of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiac disease, and cancer—the major chronic illnesses of our time. It is equally true of the life-threatening infectious diseases—tuberculosis and HIV, and now COVID-19. In contrast, however, BIPOC are underrepresented in clinical trials for the study of new treatments and preventive interventions for all these diseases. While this has been a concern for decades, the confluence of the COVID-19 pandemic’s inequitable impact on communities of color and our collective enhanced commitment to racial justice has made this a more urgent concern.
We know that the underrepresentation of BIPOC in clinical trials is at least in part a result of mistrust due to historical abuses of Black and Brown people in research and in clinical care. We also know that some of the underrepresentation is due to continued inequities and racial injustices in healthcare and beyond. Given this, if we hope to improve the representation of BIPOC in clinical trials, we must make active efforts to “move the needle.” Herein, we share important new findings from quantitative and qualitative research among diverse community members and diverse physicians about what it will take to enhance clinical trial heterogeneity. This report provides concrete ways that researchers and industry can become more trustworthy—by partnering with diverse communities in new and authentic ways and investing in building research capacity in diverse communities. We hope that you find this information of value to you in your work.