Pavel Jakubik, M.D.


Pavel Jakubik, M.D.

Senior Medical Director

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Pavel joined Parexel in 2010 as a Medical Director specializing in Oncology. Pavel's expertise is specialized in solid tumors, particularly breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and lung cancer. As Senior Medical Director, he has performed medical monitoring for a variety of studies including three large ovarian cancer trials, six phase III NSCLC studies, and one large phase III breast cancer trial.

Pavel previously worked in the Cardiology and Infectology clinic of Brno University Hospital. He first joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1995, working for Eli Lilly Company in Prague. He was initially focused on antibiotics, but later shifted focus to oncology as a Clinical Research Physician. In 2008, Pavel joined Amgen affiliate in Prague as Senior Medical Manager for Oncology.